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2nd Danube Cup Conference 2023

The Danube Cup international network of universities along the Danube is going to organize the 2nd Danube Cup Conference on Entrepreneurship Education on November 24 – 25, 2023. The two-days-event will be hosted by the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Organizational Sciences.

Main focus of the 2nd Danube Cup Conference 2023 is on “Reasons, Content, Methods & Impact – How to Create a HEI-led Entrepreneurial Ecosystem?” 

The 2nd Danube Cup Conference 2023 aims to bring together many distinguished researchers, PhD students, mentors, and trainers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues.

The Danube Cup initiative is an international network of universities alongside the river Danube with an aim to enhance entrepreneurship education and support student start-ups in the region.

If you would like to present on your academic research or best practice, please send an extended abstract of 500-800 words to conference@danubecup.eu by September 30, 2023.

More information on the Conference available here: https://danubecup.fon.bg.ac.rs/ .