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Student Parliament

Student Parliament is an academic institution body, whose aim is the realization of rights and the protection of student interests. Student Parliament elects and dismisses the student representatives in the bodies of the Faculty and other bodies where students are involved. Members of the Student Parliament have the right to vote in Faculty and University bodies on all issues affecting students, the quality of teaching and the teaching reform implementation process.

The Decision of the Dean of November 16, 2006 started the procedure of electing the Student Parliament of FOS. Today the Student Parliament has 24 members, and the activities of the Parliament include concerns about student standards and improvement of the studying conditions, coordination of the work of student organizations, co-ordination of the projects of student organizations, monitoring and proposing solutions for the reform of teaching at the undergraduate level, electing representatives in Faculty bodies, organizing senior graduate celebrations, excursions and student gatherings. The activities are carried out through committees.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: parlament@fon.bg.ac.rs


AISEC is the largest student-led organization in the world. It operates in 124 countries, and its main focus is to foster leadership in an international environment. Internship and volunteering give young people an opportunity to travel, work, volunteer, improve their language skills, get to know different cultures and make friends for life. At the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, AISEC was founded in 1973.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: office@fon.aiesec.org.rs

Student Association of the Faculty of Organisational Sciences

Student Association of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (SSFON) is an independent, non-profit, non-political association of students from FOS, which recognize, secure and protect the interests of students. It is focused on implementing the initiatives of members, implementing projects both at the departmental level and at the level of the entire University of Belgrade. It is one of the most active and best-rated members of the Belgrade Student Association and the Association of Serbian students.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: savezsfon@gmail.com


ESTIEM LG Belgrade is a Local Group of the European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management organization with the head office at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade. ESTIEM LG BEOGRAD is a non-political and non-profit organization focused on implementing the initiatives of its members and their development in the field of education and implementation of projects in industrial engineering and management. It has over 200 members who are among the most promising students of FOS.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: marko.prokin@estiem.org


Association of FOS Students of Informatics, FONIS, is a non-governmental and non-profit student organisation which brings together future IT experts to participate in professional lectures, courses, competitions and seminars, including work on projects and professional internships in IT.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: office@fonis.rs


FOS’s Sports society (SportFON) was founded on December 28, 2000 to raise sports awareness among the students of the Faculty of Organisational Sciences. The goals and objectives of SportFON are to spread sporting activities and sporting spirit at the Faculty, to represent the Faculty at competitions and to develop inter-faculty and inter-university cooperation.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: sportfon@fon.bg.ac.rs

FOS Centre for Career Development

The FOS Centre for Career Development was founded in September 2004 at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences. It is a continuation and expansion of an internal project of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences personnel database. For the ninth year, it brings together proactive students ready to take initiative and develop and grow professionally through dedication and teamwork. It provides the necessary knowledge, skills and experience needed for the development of individual careers and supports students in professional and vocational guidance and employment.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade

Контакт: info@foncareercenter.org


EkoFON is a student organisation aimed at raising environmental awareness, promoting, spreading and educating a wider public about the basics of sustainable development. It started work in 2007 with the goal to be proactive in the field of environmental protection and the implementation of sustainable development strategies with continuous work on raising environmental awareness of the public. EkoFON deals with ecological projects, trainings, volunteer work and develops relations with various institutions, organizations and companies which deal with environmental protection.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Контакт: petrovic.natasa@fon.bg.ac.rs

Debate Club

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: debata@fon.bg.ac.rs

Case Study Club

Case Study Club connects young leaders who collaborate in learning and sharing experience with each other. They will have an opportunity to organize a large number of projects, work as a team and listen to eminent experts in finance, marketing, consulting and coaching and learn firsthand how to connect theory into practice. Students will also have the opportunity to compete in local and international competitions this way taking on the role of consultants in solving real business problems.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: casestudyclub@fon.bg.ac.rs

Magazine InterFON

InterFON magazine was started by the students of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences to provide necessary information and improve the quality of studies in Serbia. The magazine is an online portal and is currently visited by more than 5000 young people. There are over 90 members of the editorial staff – both the organizational team and authors.

Faculty of Organizational Sciences
154 Jove Ilića, Belgrade
Contact: info@casopisinterfon.org