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Undergraduate studies


The undergraduate studies are divided into three study programs. Upon the completion of undergraduate studies, the student acquires the corresponding professional, academic, and scientific title, in addition to other rights in accordance with the law. The student who has completed undergraduate studies by achieving at least 240 ECTS points acquires the first-degree professional title of Bachelor with honors.

Information Systems and Technologies

Information Systems and Technologies study program is aimed at acquiring the latest knowledge and skills in the field of information systems and technologies, mastering the latest methods and techniques and preparing students for a successful application of the acquired knowledge and skills. The outcome of the learning process is to create competent engineers for information systems and technologies where they have developed a multidisciplinary view, which have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge to effectively and efficiently operate in a dynamic business environment.

The first year of the study program includes courses that represent introduction to the study of information systems and technologies, as well as introductory courses in management, organization, sociology/psychology, mathematics, economics, production systems, and foreign languages. Courses on the second, third and fourth years are focused on further study of theory and practice in information systems and information technologies, with proper representation of teaching content, covering the fields of business functions, application of quantitative methods (mathematics, statistics, operational research, data science) and general educational courses. For each subsequent year courses are more specialized, but still cover all aspects of the study area in previous years.

In each year of study, there are required, alternative, or elective courses. For alternative courses, students between two offered courses, where for electives they choose between several offered courses. In the final year, students choose four courses from a wider list of offered courses.

In addition, students perform professional practice in companies, where lessons learned are applied.

Information Systems and Technologies – distance learning

Information Systems and Technologies – distance learning has the same object structure as study program Information Systems and Technologies. The difference between the above programs is in the way of teaching. Distance studies are realized using the Moodle system of distance learning. Teaching materials were prepared in accordance with the ADDIE model. Student knowledge testing is also performed using the Moodle system that enables automatic monitoring of student progress through various forms of knowledge testing: tests, quizzes, essay and homework assignments. In this way it is possible to scoring and evaluating the pre-school obligations of students. The final examinations for each course are taken at the Faculty.

Management and organization

Management and organization study program is designed as a modern way of educating engineers of organizational sciences and aimed at enabling them to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and continue further education. The study program content is based on current trends in business development in both domestic and international environment in areas of management, marketing, economics, finance, human resources, operational management, quality management and project and investment management.

Study program Management and organization is comprised of three study groups:

First year is common for all three study groups. Students choose their study group prior to the enrolment to the second year.