Почетна / Студенти / Актуелности / Гостујуће предавање на Катедри за Информационе технолигије

Гостујуће предавање на Катедри за Информационе технолигије

У четвртак 27. априла 2017, у 12.15 сати (сала Б002), др Марко Вуколић, из Истраживачког центра IBM-a, одржаће гостујуће предавање на ФОН-у, на тему: Blockchain Architecture: Experiences with Hyperledger Fabric. Позивамо све заинтересоване студенте да присуствују предавању.

Blockchain and distributed ledgers are an exciting emerging technologies that promise to change the world of financial and digital transactions in general. In this talk we will cover the fundamentals of blockchain design and discuss what are the major blockchain and distributed ledger use cases. In particular, we will discuss the basics of the permissionless (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum) and permissioned (e.g., Hyperledger Fabric) blockchain design, highlighting major outstanding research problems. We then take a deep dive into Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source system that provides a modular and extensible platform for deploying and operating permissioned blockchains. We will discuss why Hyperledger Fabric features a radically different architecture compared to its predecessors, and how this architecture helps with blockchain performance, scalability, confidentiality and modularity.

Dr. Marko Vukolić is a Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Zurich. Previously, he was a faculty at EURECOM and a visiting faculty at ETH Zurich. He received his PhD in distributed systems from EPFL in 2008 and his dipl. ing. degree in telecommunications from School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade in 2001. His research interests lie in the broad area of distributed systems, including blockchain and distributed ledgers, cloud computing security, distributed storage and fault-tolerance. He is one of the core system architects of Hyperledger Fabric