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Гостујуће предавање на катедри за Информационе технологије

У четвртак, 06. априла 2017, у 12 сати (сала Ц001) Александар Матановић (Electronic Currency District), Алекс Мигитко (Alex Migitko – DatCroft Games, GameCredits) и Никола Ђокић (IGT) одржаће предавање у две секције од по 30 минута студентима ФОН-а. Позивамо све заинтересоване студенте да присуствују предавању. У наставку је апстракт предавања.

1. Digital currencies are becoming an important part of the economics. However the way people treat them is mostly defined but Bitcoin’s history (not always good-looking one). Aleksandar will share his experience as a trader and deep understanding of the way digital currencies exist and operate today, what major projects should you be interested in, how do they get funding and what are industry expectations.

2. Bitcoin is far not the only blockchain. Nikola and Alex will tell about other types of the chains, their most interesting implementations, projects and companies working on them, as well as the main technological aspects of major projects. Also they will showcase some examples of the prototype-level projects that can be created and tell what are the expectations for the blockchain in different industries, and how you should approach blockchain development.