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Гостујуће предавање на тему Challenges of Software Engineering at Google Scale

У среду, 23. маја 2018. године, од 12:15 сати у сали Б103, Др Марија Микић, директор за софтверско инжењерство у компанији Google Los Angeles одржаће гостујуће предавање на тему Challenges of Software Engineering at Google Scale (Изазови у развоју софтвера у компанији Google). Позивамо све заинтересоване студенте да присуствују предавању.

Abstract: Developing software systems at Google scale requires simultaneously balancing many properties, both functional and non-functional. This talk will discuss a range of challenges commonly faced by software engineers at Google.  The talk will present some of Google’s infrastructure and services aimed at addressing those challenges, the tradeoffs these services make, and the manner in which they enable architecture, design, implementation, testing, deployment and monitoring of Google’s systems.


Bio: Marija Mikic is a Software Engineering Director at Google Los Angeles, where she has been employed since 2004. Her teams work on search, display, video/YouTube, and shopping ads quality.  She received her Ph.D. in 2004 in Software Engineering from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Southern California.  Her research interests are in the area of software architectures for large-scale distributed systems. Marija has been serving on the USC School of Engineering Industrial Advisory Board since 2012. She is on the organizing committees of ICSE 2015 and 2016. She was the program co-chair of the first International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017).